Thursday, 12 March 2015

Day 6 - Val De Reuil and Darnetal

Hey !
Today we got up before 7, because we were leaving for a boarding school in Val De Reuil. We took a bus, then we took a metro and then a train. We arrived at about 8.30 and then we got changed and went to the bakery. There was me, and three of my classmates and we all got divided into separate tables and we started working with the guys in the bakery. The one I was working with was a French-American guy, and he was really nice and helpful and wanted to know about how we did stuff in Finland. We made a few different types of bread and we also made croissants ! Yay !  A lot of the students were very young, and didn't really speak much English. One of my friends got hit on by at least two of the younger kids, and it was kind of funny for the rest of us. (She obviously didn't enjoy it very much). Then at about 13pm we went to have lunch, and holy heck, EVERYONE stared at us like we were aliens or something xP and then at lunch, some other guy hit on my friend too, and it was really hilarious. Then we went back into the bakery for another 50 minutes, and just put the rest of our stuff in the oven, and then we left to get changed, and we got to take some bread, some croissants and some pain au chocolat (it's like a chocolate croissant) back to the motel with us which was pretty cool. ! Note of the day ! They barely ever washed their hands, and the classrooms were dirtier and the storage room... The stuff was all over the place. That would not be okay in Finland xP

After we got back, me and a friend went for a walk and we walked to an old church and then we went to the store to get me something to eat.

This is what the little town we are staying in looks like, and I think it's really cute because it's pretty old :)
And this is all for today, tomorrow we will go explore some local bakeries with a group of friends because it's an assignment we got from our teacher. Yay !


Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Day 5 - INBP and shopping

Hey ! Today, we got up bright and early (I got up at 8 because I had to do my hair and my make up) and we met in the lobby of our motel at about 8.30. Then we headed to the best baking school in France (or the world, I'm not sure which). The students there are adults that have done baking as a job, and they've come to the school to learn more. They pay to go to the school, and what I learn in 3 years in my own school, they learn in about 4 months, and they do it so much better. You could see how professional all of their work looked and it was super awesome that we actually got to see them working. We were allowed to take a few pictures, so I have some. First we went into the bakery where they were making bread or buns or something like that, then we went into a classroom where they were making chocolates, and the last classroom we visited, they were making buns and little cakes.

And after the tour we saw some of the stuff they've done and it was incredibly well done and I just can't even with how talented they are. They had some pieces in the hallway but my phone won't send them to my laptop so I'll have to upload them later ;_; //edit:uploaded

After the school, we went for food and then we went shopping, and I didn't really take pictures there, because it was just an ordinary shopping center. I did take pictures of the baking and cooking stores because they were my favourite part ^_^

 ! Observation of the day !
If you don't sit properly, a mean cleaning lady from the shopping center is gonna come whoop yo ass. No jk, but they'll come and straighten you up and look back at you to make sure you're still sitting properly as they walk away.

That's all for today, and tomorrow we have to wake up really early to go to a school... Yay... Not looking forward to that...


Monday, 9 March 2015

Day 4 - from Paris to Darnetal

Hey ! 
All we did today was we traveled from Paris to Darnetal and I almost passed out from being so tired and in pain from dragging my luggage up and down stairs. My suitcase it's heavy on it's own, and then add up all my clothes and stuff and it's even heavier ;_; but yeah, once we got to our student motel thing, we walked to a grocery store, buuuut it wasn't open so we took a bus back to where we had seen a Lidl store before, and we bought some food and went back to the motel. Then a friend of mine made food for me and my roommate and then we ate in her room with a few more friends and talked and just had fun :) and that's pretty much all we did today. 


Sunday, 8 March 2015

Day 3 - Spooky Catacombs

Hey ! So we got up really early (about 8.15) to go to a flea market with some of our classmates and a teacher, and we just walked around for about an hour and looked at all the stuff they were selling. I found a GameBoy and a Spider-Man TV ! They were so cool :3 I don't have any pictures of the market, but the stuff was pretty "old-ish" and I'd say it's more appealing to older people.

After the flea market, we headed to the Paris Catacombs. We were in line for about an hour, but the wait didn't really matter because it was so sunny and warm :) I had heard that photographing the Catacombs wasn't allowed, but I was actually wrong, so I do have a few pictures. Some of them are a bit shaky, because my camera doesn't focus very well in a dark place and my hands are very shaky :P and after the we got out of the Catacombs, we went to the gift shop and I found some absinthe and a few funny cards :3

Then after eveyone was done buying stuff and got out of the Catacombs, we walked to the metro, and went back to our hotel. After we got back, me and three of my friends went for some food to a local burger place called Quick, and I ordered a chicken burger with fries inside of it. I MEAN. A BURGER. WITH FRIES INSIDE OF IT.

Now I'm just sitting in bed watching Supernatural, and I don't think I'm going anywhere else tonight :) maybe to a friends room for some movies or then we might go out for a few drinks, but that's all. I also packed my stuff since we are leaving for Darnetal tomorrow. Yay, more dragging my heavy luggage up stairs <3 and I think tomorrow won't be very eventful either, considering we are only traveling tomorrow, so it's going to be a tiring day.

That's all for today :)


Saturday, 7 March 2015

Day 2 - Paris adventures

Hey ! So today we did a lot ! We left the hotel at about 11, and got back about an hour ago (it's 22.35 right now). So, I woke up at about 8 and then me and my roommate went to look if a bakery near by was open, and it wasn't so we just went to a grocery store on the other side of the road and bought some snacks and we found strawberries !!! YUMM ! And then we chilled in our room for a bit and then went down to the lobby to meet the rest of our "crew" then we bought our insanely expensive train tickets (10 for 14.10€) and pretty much every time you get off the train or subway/metro, you need to use a new ticket... And the tickets are SUPER tiny and I'm constantly afraid of losing them.

When we left the hotel, it was super warm outside and I was thinking to myself (Oh I'm so smart for wearing a skirt, it sucked later when we were out late and it was windy and cold ;_;) we walked around a bit and then we went to a street market area, and before we started, we visited Starbucks with a few friends.

 After Starbucks, we went back to the market street and one of the first thing we saw was the prettiest little cakes and pastries and macarons and just oh my gosh they were so beautiful.

Then we found a shop with macarons (surprise surprise) and we went in just to take pictures :3 and we also found multiple chocolate shops and the chocolates were absolutely gorgeous :o and then we found a tourist gift shop and I bought some stuff to bring back for a friend :3 and after looking at a few interesting shops we just pretty much walked around and didn't really see anything interesting after that. And after we were done walking around the street we walked back to the place we agreed to meet at and just waited there for the rest of our crew to come back. And me and my two friends took a cool-ass converse "selfie".

When everyone was back, we went for some food. Although I couldn't really find anything I would like, I just decided not to eat (because I knew I could go buy something later) and I wasn't hungry anyway xP some of my friends had snails for their starters and holyheck they looked so weird :o after food, we went to the food department of Galerie Lafayette and they also had the prettiest little cakes and macarons :) ! WARNING ! A lot of pictures coming ! :3

After the massive store, we went to see the Eiffel tower ! Whii ! But before we got in, we had to go trough a security check, and they made me throw away my RedBull ;_; I hadn't even opened it and I had to throw it away ;_; it was a sad moment. We were up until it got dark, which was pretty cool, because you could see all the city lights and the tower lit up and everything looked really pretty :)

When we finally got back to the hotel, we were supposed to go out for a few drinks but me and my friends were way too tired so we just sat in their room writing our blogs and talking and eating sweets :3

So, that was all for today, and I think we are going to the Catacombs tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to that ! :)

Good night ^_^
