Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Day 5 - INBP and shopping

Hey ! Today, we got up bright and early (I got up at 8 because I had to do my hair and my make up) and we met in the lobby of our motel at about 8.30. Then we headed to the best baking school in France (or the world, I'm not sure which). The students there are adults that have done baking as a job, and they've come to the school to learn more. They pay to go to the school, and what I learn in 3 years in my own school, they learn in about 4 months, and they do it so much better. You could see how professional all of their work looked and it was super awesome that we actually got to see them working. We were allowed to take a few pictures, so I have some. First we went into the bakery where they were making bread or buns or something like that, then we went into a classroom where they were making chocolates, and the last classroom we visited, they were making buns and little cakes.

And after the tour we saw some of the stuff they've done and it was incredibly well done and I just can't even with how talented they are. They had some pieces in the hallway but my phone won't send them to my laptop so I'll have to upload them later ;_; //edit:uploaded

After the school, we went for food and then we went shopping, and I didn't really take pictures there, because it was just an ordinary shopping center. I did take pictures of the baking and cooking stores because they were my favourite part ^_^

 ! Observation of the day !
If you don't sit properly, a mean cleaning lady from the shopping center is gonna come whoop yo ass. No jk, but they'll come and straighten you up and look back at you to make sure you're still sitting properly as they walk away.

That's all for today, and tomorrow we have to wake up really early to go to a school... Yay... Not looking forward to that...


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